
This recipe is my favourite at the moment because it gives a natural look with a little bit of muted colours. I love Eterna because it’s like a blank canvas: a great place to start and fine tune with the options available like the tone curve and colour adjustments. The look is somewhat earthy and pastel at the same time. The look I was going for is a lot of dynamic range.

Film Simulation: ETERNA

ISO: Auto (640 to 3200)

Exposure Compensation: Typically between +1 and + 2

Grain Effect: Strong Small

Color Chrome Effect: Strong

Color Chrome Fx Blue: Off

White Balance: Kelvin between 6000 and 8000, adjusted manually throughout the day. This is the most important part of this recipe, I tend to make the temperature a bit more on the warm side.

If you don't want to adjust it every time, you can set the white balance to auto and white balance shift to R: +5 B: -6. It often does the job.

White Balance Shift: R: 0 B:0

Dynamic Range: DR400

Highlights: -2

Shadows: +3

Color: +2

Sharpness: 0

Noise Reduction: -4

Clarity: -3

Notes: The clarity adjustment adds a bit of buffer when the camera renders the picture so keep that in mind if you want to shoot in continuous mode, it might be better for you if you leave it to 0. Also, I sometimes drop the shadows during sunsets or harsh light where there is already a lot of contrast and want to get in more information from the shadows.