This recipe was made for environments that don’t have a satisfying lighting. It pops the colours a lot to give more of a personality to the image. My biggest complaints with Classic Neg is that the highlight are a bit too intense to my taste so I often don’t overexpose like I do in most of my other recipes. The colours look weird sometimes too but I’ve found that warming the temperature makes better greens (less towards a blue tint) and desaturating with -4 for colours helps a lot.
Film Simulation: Classic Negative
ISO: Auto (640 to 3200)
Exposure Compensation: Between 0 and +1
Grain Effect: Strong Small
Color Chrome Effect: Strong
Color Chrome Fx Blue: Off
White Balance: Kelvin between 6000 and 8000, adjusted manually throughout the day.
If you don't want to adjust it every time, you can set the white balance to Incandescent.
White Balance Shift: R: 0 B:0
Dynamic Range: DR400
Highlights: -2
Shadows: -2
Color: -4
Sharpness: 0
Noise Reduction: -4
Clarity: -3
Notes: The clarity adjustment adds a bit of buffer when the camera renders the picture so keep that in mind if you want to shoot in continuous mode, it might be better for you if you leave it to 0.